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Official Bio:

Karen has spent the last 18 years working in hospitals, on the side of mountains, and for private practices. Always an Unconventional RN, she founded Imparted Health + Wellness in 2017, a patient-centered nurse consulting practice and Eir Alliance in 2019, a self-care and trauma education company for first responders and healthcare workers. With a passion for education and an affinity for translating even the most complicated medical information, she helps clients bridge the gap between science and healing™. Karen holds multiple degrees, including graduate level coursework from Stanford University School of Medicine and continues her clinical education in orthopedics, neurology and extreme medicine.


Media and Features:

Empress February and Unconventional RN

Unconventional RN X Empress Magazine

Learn about D3 and K2 with Karen, our resident nerd and nurse’s most recent article in February’s Empress Magazine from Emily Schromm. Packed with informative articles, recipes, an exercise program, discounts and more, click the button below for 50% off this month’s edition!

Imparted Health x Stay INVINCIBLE

Karen collaborated with Dr. Missy Albrecht, a doctor of physical therapy and owner of Invincible in Denver Colorado. Together they created a resource to help teach people how organs move and what role they play in performance, pain and disease.

Imparted Health X The Body Awareness Project

Karen was invited to be on Emily Schromm’s panel of experts for the Body Awareness Project, Part Two: Adrenals. This course was designed to increase awareness of some of the deepest, most problematic causes of adrenal and cortisol dysfunction; a condition too many of us face in this day in age. 

Imparted Health x The Emfit Challenge

Karen and Emily Schromm have collaborated on multiple resources for her 21 Day Emfit Challenges and webinars. Rather than preaching food restriction, unhealthy supplementation and excessive cardio, Emily set out to change the way people felt about themselves. Her focus: eating real food, improving body awareness and building real strength.

Imparted Health and .Health Casestudy


Imparted Health was reviewed by .Health, comprised of leaders and entrepreneurs from the health, domain, and tech startup industries who are united in their passion to create a focused, credible, and meaningful home for health online.



Looking to collaborate with KAREN? Click here for more information or send your request and relevant details to hello@unconventionalrn.com.